31 August 2005

Comments on Michael Badnarik's Constitution Class

This past Saturday, 3 East Metro Libertarians(myself included), along w/ about 20 other freedom-lovers attended Mr. Badnarik's Constitution class in Atlanta. Mr. Badnarik was the 2004 candidate for President for the Libertarian Party. The class which is based on his amazing book--"Good To Be King"--is an 8 hour primer on the Constitution, what it's supposed to be, and how far off track we have become, and what we can do to turn the tide. This class was an experience I will soon not forget. Mr. Badnarik is, in my words, a man of Truth–he tells it like it is in a clear and concise way. He will rattle your cage and he is most certainly an iconoclast. To be honest, there is a certain amount of fear and dread that you will experience as you begin to “see the light". But, it is worth it. When you walk out of the class, the fear transforms into courage. You are energized…ready to fight the good fight!!! America belongs to us–We the People–and it’s up to each and every one of us to make it happen! That’s really the thing with Badnarik’s class. He prepares us for road ahead. And knowing that there is a patriot like him, and knowing that there are numerous others out there–makes the task seem much less daunting. I recommend this class to anyone who believes in the libertarian ideals of individual rights, social and economic freedom, and less government intervention.Thank you Mr. Badnarik

22 August 2005

Write Your congressman in support of H.R. 25

To look up and get contact info or to send an electronic letter to your Congressman, go to:

Here is a sample of a letter I sent to the Honorable David Scott:

Hello sir...hope all is well with you. First off, I would like to explain that I am a Libertarian in terms of political affiliation; however, I have been very impressed with you and what you've been doing in D.C. I think that many other Libertarians, as well as independents and Republicans would say the same. You seem to be a good, fair, and decent man...Lord knows, we need more like you.

With that said, here is why I am writing:
I am writing to ask to take a very close and serious look at H.R. 25--The Fair Tax Bill. It is a good bill, it might be the thing that saves our country from certain financial ruin. I mean, let's face it Mr. Scott, Social Security and Medicare are running on borrowed time. Several prominent and well-respected economists agree that the FairTax would double the size of our economy in 15-20 years which would lead to a corresponding increase in govt. revenues. Furthermore, we would bring back billions of lost dollars when businesses come back to the country after having left due to harsh tax codes. The time has come for America to have a tax that makes sense, and a tax that is fair. The income tax is a bad, bad thing...we all know it. So let's do something about it. Change is in the air, Mr. Scott...we are on the verge of a political renaissance in which freedom and individual rights are what is considered when it comes to government decisions. The times they are a changin...It would be nice to have you on board. What do you say, Mr. Scott? Will you support the FairTax?

20 August 2005

Ron Paul--A True American Patriot

author's note: I already ran this once early in the blog's life (May) but wanted to run it again. MM

Ron Paul--A True American Patriot
Between Liberal hacks like John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and Teddy "Dripping Wet" Kennedy and Republicans such as Tom Delay and Bill Frist, it is refreshing to find one man in the halls of congress who is a true American Patriot--a freedom lover and a supporter of individual rights. That Man is Ron Paul (R-TX), a member of the house of representatives for many years, he exemplifies what a true politician should be. Technically a Republican, he is a libertarian by nature and ran for president on the LP ticket in the 80's . I consider Mr. Paul to be my "adopted" representative in Congress. Find out more about this amazing man:

http://www.house.gov/paul/ --his congressional page
www.ronpaul.org --his website
www.ronpaul.net --a campain page
www.house.gov/paul/openingpage.htm --Project Freedom

Write Mr. Paul and let him know that you appreciate his unique gift to our Republic, and also let him know that you would like for him to be your "adopted" representative. Also ask him to be the LP candidate for President in 2008!

15 August 2005

Passing H.R. 25--The Fair Tax can Happen

The reaction for the the Fair Tax book by Neal Boortz and John Linder has been absolutely amazing!!! People are ready for this. Hell, they're more than ready, they are way past ready. This needs to happen. And for the first time maybe ever, people are starting to realize that it could happen. If every freedom-lover bought the book at some point in the near future, it would probably stay on the NY Times best seller list for a year. This is sending a message--Congress is watching!! We need to support this book and support Mr. Linder in his quest for getting H.R. 25 to the floor. Buy the book. Write your congressman. Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper, do a write-up on your blog. Do anything and everything to help this thing along. Remember--Congress is watching...so is the President, and so is everyone else. This plan can work. It will work. We must act now!!!

01 August 2005

What is Moderate Libertarianism?

Thus far, the East Metro Libertarians have been very fortunate in our exposure and media attention. Two front-page articles in as many weeks and a 10 minute radio interview w/ Tim Bryant on WGUA 1340 is hopefully just the start. It seems that many people are rallying behind the East Metro Libertarians in a very big way. There seems to be a feeling of excitement in the air. Why? The answer seems very simple, yet at the same time can be very complex. As we have mentioned in all of our media exposure, we are, by and large, "moderate" libertarians. This concept seems to really appeal to people...it grabs them. But, what exactly is moderate Libertariansim? I've been working, off and on, on kind of a moderate libertarianism manifesto, as it were, and in the meantime I would like to lay down the main, basic points.

Moderate Libertarianism
  • We believe in complete individual rights so long as those rights do not forcibly interfere with others. Live and Let Live
  • We hold the Bill of Rights in sacred regard.
  • We believe in State Rights as envisioned by the Constitution.
  • We are , by and large, Strict Constitutionalists.
  • We are basically social liberals.
  • We are basically economic conservatives.
  • Whereas "hardcore" libertarians believe in a drastic (in the range of 50-100%) reduction in the size and scope of government, we tend to think in the range of 10-50%)
  • We are Federalists in the truest sense of the word, but anti-federalists in the context of history.
  • We understand the we are a Republic, not a democracy.
  • We are Jeffersonian Democrats
  • We don't think our borders should be completely open, we believe that strong and secure borders are essential to our nation's security.
  • We believe our military's chief concern should be national security, and not policing the entire globe. However, we believe in a very strong military and understand that evil and hate has infested itself in various parts of the world, and from time to time, we will have to do something about it.
  • We think many aspects of our current Federal Government are good things, and we believe that many aspects of our current Federal Government are horrendous. The same can be said of state, county, and municipal governments.
  • We hold the 2nd amendment in very high regard, and support strong gun rights
  • We hold the 4th amendment in equally high regard, and are dismayed by the state of the police state in America.
  • Strong guarded property rights, being essential to the endurance of our Republic, we believe that eminent domain abuse and other improper takings, are a grave threat to our future.
  • Abortion, Gays, Affirmitave Action and many other issues are total non-issues to most of us. And a lot of us believe that the current politicians look on with glee that we are so polarized by many of these issues.
  • We think the 2-party system achieves the same results as the aforementioned bullet, in that they keep us preoccupied and polarized while the power-hungy pols take more of our money and freedom.
  • We belive that a change is inevitable, that we are right and they are wrong, that our cause is a righteous one, and we will prevail. We are eternal optimists.
  • We think Reagan was a great president.
  • We think FDR was a socialist.
  • Some of us think that JFK was the "last gunslinger"; the last true champion of the common man and that he may have gotten a bullet in the head for it. And while we're at it: Why have we not risen up and demanded the full and total truth about JKF?
  • Why have we allowed ourselves to be at this point?
  • We are ready to make a change. In a peaceful and legal way, we will change this country.
  • We are moderate Libertarians.