20 February 2008

Great Libertarian Quotes

Quote: There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.
P. J. O'Rourke
Quote: The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. Author: John Adams
Quote: The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed [and Hence Clamorous To Be Led To Safety] by an endless series of hobgoblins.Author: H.L. Mencken 1880-1956, American Editor, Author, Critic, Humorist
Quote: I believe our founding fathers had it right when they argued for peace and commerce between nations, and against entangling political and military alliances. Author: Ron Paul, Texas Congressman and Presidential Candidate
Quote: Da Fed be hatin...[Hidden taxes] are killin us, yo!. Author: MC Equinox, The

19 February 2008

The RP "Prez Day" Money Bomb--Off Da Chain!

Well. At first look, the presidential campaign's 85K or so that was brought in yesterday was not impressive; however, the $400,000 plus that the congressional campaign brought was:

Ron Paul for Congress

To learn more about the absolute chump of a choad that is running against Dr. Paul in the TX-14, you can look at his "webpage" (be prepared to get pissed)

DumbAss's webpage

18 February 2008

[Re-Post]--Welcome to the Communist States of America

*Blogger's Note: This is a re-post

Ahhh Comrades...so good for you to stop by...

Suprised by the title, well, grab some Stoli's and your sickle & hammer and get ready to understand why we are indeed a communist nation. And yes, this concept has been written about by Boortz & Badnarik and a slew of others and they probably summed it up much better
but this is my take on it:

Karl Marx mentioned 10 Planks of Communism. America, to some degree or another, has all 10.

The Ten Planks of Communism:
1.Abolition of Private Property
2. A Progressive Income Tax
3. Abolition of Inheritance
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels
5. A Central Bank
6. Centralization of communications and transportation
7. Extension of factories and instruments of Production into the hands of the State
8. Equal Liability of all to Labor
9. Combinations of Agriculture with Manufacturing Industries
10. Free Education for all Children

1. Abolition of Private Property--There is no such thing as true private property in America right now. First of all, Zoning laws compromise your true ownership of land. Also, if you pay property taxes, you are in essence, renting your ownership. And finally, with widespread cases of eminent Domain abuse and as evidenced by the state legistlature this past session, the concept of true private property is simply a joke now. And now, as of the infamous Supreme Court Decision of 6.23.5, Karl Marx is smiling fondly from his grave.

2. A Progressive Income Tax--Enough Said

3. Abolition of all rights of Inheritance--This kind of ebbs and flows from time to time depending on who's in power. Right now things are looking good; however, at some point in the future liberals and socialist will eventually take control of our country and I believe you will see this plank come to fruition within the next 20-50 years.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels--As of right now, there are several federal agencies that can confiscate and sell your land without giving you due process of law. For most people, this pertains to drug dealers and tax evaders; however, a little known law from 1997 allows the government to do this to people who speak out against the government i.e. me. And let's not forget the patriot act.

5. A Central Bank-- In our case, known as the Federal Reserve. It is a semi-private/loosely quasi-government corporation which makes fiat money out of nothing and then lends it to the government at interest. It is a diabolical and evil cartel that should be done away with.

6. Centralization of Communications and Transportation--This one is also a real no-brainer. FCC and DOT are obvious choice; however, there other regulatory agenices on the federal and state levels that add more government interference with these issues. Transportation is a big one for me--with the concept of "implied consent", the government feels that you should have ZERO rights whenever traveling on a public road. There does exist, in my mind, a constitutional right to travel that the government is infringing upon with this so-called "implied constent". So therefore, once again, constitutional rights are being trampled on by statuatory and regulatory actions.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of Production into the hands of the State--this refers to government control of agriculture and manufacturing. Think of the Department of Agriculture spending millions of dollars every year on subsidies, payments, fees, monies paid to farmers not to plant certain items, etc. Also, the Dept. of the Interior.

8. Equal Liability of all Labor--Social Security, Department of Labor, OSHA, etc.

9. Combinations of Agriculture with Manufacturing Industries; Regional Planning--regional planning does exist in this country with the Planning Reorganization Act of 1949 and a couple of odd executive orders

10. Free Education for all Children--public education, Dept. of Education

Why the MSM gotta be hatin' on RP

This past Saturday I saw two things w/in 10 minutes that got my blood pressure really going:

First off, and this was on CNN. They were doing a special segment on "digital campaigns" and how fresh and exciting it was that campaigns like Hillary's, Obama's, and F*ckabee's were doing "real-time" fundraising and volunteering on the websites...no mention of who we all know was the first to do this--Dr. Ron Paul.

The second thing just a few minutes later was on CNN Headline news' "News to Me" segment. It was talking about the rise of "viral" marketing and how candidates like ...well, just guess, we're doing such new and exciting things in that realm. Once again--no mention of Dr. Paul.

Well...make no mistake about it--perhaps few thousand people saw these segments this weekend and didn't know the truth but know this: the people running these other campaigns know, and we know! And that's the most important thing. The MSM has been hatin' on the good doctor for quite some time. We know the score...

BTW, today is the "President's Day Money Bomb", try to donate to both the prez campaign:
and the congressional campaign:


17 February 2008

Back in the Saddle!

At one time, I really was doing the "blogging" thing quite a bit. But as with most aspects of my life, I got bored and moved on to other things. But, now I'm ready to blog like a mutha-f*cka. I'm gonna try to blog at least one thing every day and possible multiple blogs per day (If I'm feelin' it, yo?!). So, to my dedicated readers(or reader...or nobody) who have been waiting about 350 days for a new blog--Here it is.

For the next few days I'm going to be rolling out some of my "greatest hits" --previous blogs that I thought we're pretty good. I'll be mixing in some fresh stuff and I will be making a point to make the "East Metro Shoutouts!" a regular weekly standard.

Ahhhh Yeaaahhhhhh!!!!
Rollin' on the East Metro....