18 February 2008

Why the MSM gotta be hatin' on RP

This past Saturday I saw two things w/in 10 minutes that got my blood pressure really going:

First off, and this was on CNN. They were doing a special segment on "digital campaigns" and how fresh and exciting it was that campaigns like Hillary's, Obama's, and F*ckabee's were doing "real-time" fundraising and volunteering on the websites...no mention of who we all know was the first to do this--Dr. Ron Paul.

The second thing just a few minutes later was on CNN Headline news' "News to Me" segment. It was talking about the rise of "viral" marketing and how candidates like ...well, just guess, we're doing such new and exciting things in that realm. Once again--no mention of Dr. Paul.

Well...make no mistake about it--perhaps few thousand people saw these segments this weekend and didn't know the truth but know this: the people running these other campaigns know, and we know! And that's the most important thing. The MSM has been hatin' on the good doctor for quite some time. We know the score...

BTW, today is the "President's Day Money Bomb", try to donate to both the prez campaign:
and the congressional campaign:
