16 May 2005

Welcome to the Communist States of America

Yes!!! That is Correct--we are communists...Congratulations!

Shaking your head a little bit? Thinking I've lost my mind? Well...wrap your mind around this:

In 1848, Karl Marx wrote a little thing called the Communist Manifesto. In this document, he describes the ten steps or Ten Planks needed to destroy a free-market, capitalist state and to replace it with communist state. Here are those 10 planks:

1. Abolition of Private Property
2. A Progressive Income Tax
3. Abolition of Inheritance
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels
5. A Central Bank
6. Centralization of communications and transportation
7. Extension of factories and instruments of Production into the hands of the State
8. Equal Liability of all to Labor
9. Combinations of Agriculture with Manufacturing Industries
10. Free Education for all Children

Is your head swimming around a little bit now? This is a little difficult at first for most people, but now that you are coming to terms with the fact that you live in a Communist State, let's look at each plank one by one.

1. Abolition of Private Property--There is no such thing as true private property in America right now. First of all, Zoning laws compromise your true ownership of land. Also, if you pay property taxes, you are in essence, renting your ownership. And finally, with widespread cases of eminent Domain abuse and as evidenced by the state legistlature this past session, the concept of true private property is simply a joke now.

2. A Progressive Income Tax--Enough Said

3. Abolition of all rights of Inheritance--This kind of ebbs and flows from time to time depending on who's in power. Right now things are looking good; however, at some point in the future liberals and socialist will eventually take control of our country and I believe you will see this plank come to fruition within the next 20-50 years.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels--As of right now, there are several federal agencies that can confiscate and sell your land without giving you due process of law. For most people, this pertains to drug dealers and tax evaders; however, a little known law from 1997 allows the government to do this to people who speak out against the government
i.e. me

5. A Central Bank-- The Federal Reserve is a private corporation which makes fiat money out of nothing and then lends it to the government at interest. It is a diabolical and evil cartel that should be done away with.

6-10 to come later.